Erc-20 The Future of Games 

About kittieFIGHT

Cat fight is a game where cats / kittens fight against each other based on crowd based action. Just like how a cheering crowd at a boxing match motivates boxers to box, in the case of kittyFight, the crowd is betting on every cat they support, causing their cat to become another opponent. The people / crowd chooses which cats to bet on, resulting in action on the side of the chosen cat. The actions are random bets placed on the blockchain. The result of each crowd participant's bet results in the event being transmitted from the blockchain api service to the front-end / UX resulting in kitty animation (punching, scratching, etc.).

If there is no action for 10 seconds [No event is emitted from the blockchain for 10 seconds], there is a simulated action called “silent action-with sound and reaction” which each cat takes in turn. Basically, during the idling cycle, the cat shadows squares at each other, and avoids the action / punches with a slight crouch, but keeps the interactivity and continuity of the game going, to keep the game fun without any actual damage. The winner of this game is the cat that takes the least damage.

What KittieFIGHT

  • Combat MMO game for Cryptokitties users.
  • A jackpot game supported by the Lending Protocol.
  • Players push the battle by betting ETH.
  • The game generates 10 times the initial ETH jackpot.
  • Economy of KTY Gamified Token demand with UNISWAP AMM.
  • Decentralized Governance using Aragon DAO.
  • Weekly results for lenders, DAO shareholders and match winners.
  • UNSTOPPING, PROVEN fair and TRANSPARENT Ethereum Dapp.
  • But why  ?

KittieFIGHT adds utility for Cryptokitties users and reduces the excess supply of cats on the Cryptokitties platform. This is also an interesting experiment in gamified demand in the Token economy using a utility ERC 2O token called KTY, which is tightly integrated with UNISWAP AMM. KTY has various costs and expenses for game participation, without the need for users to hold KTY directly.

About kittieFIGHT

KittieFight is Mortal Kombat for Cryptokitties. In the kittieFIGHT game, ETH & KTY tokens are given out and shared among the winning group / coalition of fighting matches using special battle kittie avatars originating from the Cryptokitties platform. There are Eth & KTY token jackpots to win in every game. All participants in the game have a 50% chance of being on the winning side. This is also an experiment in group psychology with two opposing coalition groups at odds with each other over large sums of money. You can read more about that in the whitepaper 

The tools needed to play

  • Metamask
  • KTY token (Rinkeby)
  • Ether (Rinkeby)

Kittiefight on the Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet

Go to  and install metamask for chrome or Firefox. Create a password and seed, then select and maintain an Ethereum address for in-game use. The KittieFIGHT smart contract is currently being used to the Rinkeby testnet, so make sure your metamask wallet is set to Rinkeby.

Steps to participate in the game:

  1. Get KTY Tokens and Ether
  2. Registering your Rinkeby Ethereum Address
  3. Join the team
  4. Starting the Game
  5. Place a bet
  6. Check your ranking
  7. Increase the chances of winning as a team
  8. Finish the game
  9. Winners withdraw income
  10. Losers go to KittieHELL forever!

About the KTY Gamified token.

KTY Token Utility.

#DeFi #Gaming #blockchain #YieldFarming #DeFi # ERC20 #Ethereum #DutchAuction #Uniswap #cryptocurrency #mmorg #NFTs #DAO

KittieFIGHT DAO tokens and ETHER prizes.
For more information, please visit the link:

Facebook:   https: // www / KittieFight-110975747423209
Discord:   https: / /

by; jasonyn



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